- All recyclables—paper, cardboard, glass bottles, plastic bottles and jars (with 1 – 7 on the bottom), metal, aluminum, and tin cans—will go into one container, on the same day.
- Plastic bags will no longer be acceptable for recyclables.
- Recycling will no longer be collected on Mondays. Your current paper recycling collection day will become your new single stream recycling collection day.
- Single stream recycling will be collected on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays through Fridays; depending on your recycling zone.
- You have 3 options for setting out single stream recycling: (1) purchase and use a recycling bin; (2) use a container of choice that is clearly marked as recycling material; (3) or use a cardboard box.
December 15, 2007, 10am–2pm
Baltimore Polytechnic,
1400 W. Cold Spring Ln.
Montebello Elem.,
2040 E. 32nd St.
Patterson H.S.,
100 Kane St.
Edmondson-Westside Skill Ctr.,
501 Athol Ave.
December 16, 2007, 10am–2pm
Northwestern High School,
6900 Park Heights Ave.
But remember, you don't have to use this bin, as long as your container "is clearly marked as recycling material." So, a cardboard box and a sharpie, works just fine, too. You can find out more about the Single Stream Recycling initiative at Cleaner Greener Baltimore.